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����ʱ�䣺 2008-08-27
������ʱ�䣺 2008-08-29
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��policymaking for s&t in China�����ij�����
1. Overview According to the widely accepted and cited OECD definition (1963, 1971), science and technology policy means the collective measures taken by a government in order to encourage the development of scientific and technical research (policy for science and technology) and to explo����
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һ.����ս�����˵���ʽѡ��(forms of alliance) ��ս�Ժ���(strategic cooperation)���ڶ���ʽ�У�ս������(strategic alliances)�������ʽ����ӽ�һ�廯(�Ʋ㻯hierarchy)�ĺ�����ʽ����ͼ2����Ҳ�DZ��Ĺ�ע���ص㡣ս����������������������ʽ�ĵط���������һ����ҪĿ��������֯����໥ѧϰ(OL)�����½����ڡ���
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