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��6�� 2011/12/08
Import Restrictions on Archaeological Material from Greece
Toroni © David Gill The US Department of Homeland Security has issued details of the types of archaeological material that are covered by the import restrictions. There is a position statement about the US Government: The United States shares in the international concern for the
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Police investigate Twinstead sovereigns
It appears that Essex Police are now investigating the gold sovereigns discovered during a rally at Twinstead near Sudbury in Essex ("Halstead: Appeal for missing coins worth £70k", Halstead Gazette December 1, 2011). It appears that approximately 200 gold coins, with an estimate
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bobbery: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
bobbery: a disturbance or a brawl.
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operose: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
operose: done with or involving much labor.
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collop: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
collop: a small slice of meat.
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The hopeful continent: Africa rising
UK Only Article: standard article Issue: Into the storm Fly Title: The hopeful continent Ru
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Philosophy of Chemistry
[Revised entry by Michael Weisberg, Paul Needham, and Robin Hendry on December 1, 2011. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html] Chemistry is the study of the structure and transformation of matter. When Aristotle wrote the first systematic treatises on chemistry in the
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Reasons for Action: Agent-Neutral vs. Agent-Relative
[Revised entry by Michael Ridge on December 1, 2011. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html] The agent-relative/agent-neutral distinction is widely and rightly regarded as a philosophically important one. Unfortunately, the distinction is often drawn in different and m
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