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12��25�ձ��� |�Ķ�ȫ��
The Allendale Nativity - connoisseurship and controversy
The subjective nature of assessments made towards authorship of artworks has been an enduring controversy. In an age before technical examination played an increasing role in art analysis, a specialised mode of visual analysis served as the key means of determining the author of
12��22�ձ��� |�Ķ�ȫ��
Christmas Greetings
Ipswich Marina © David Gill 2011 has been a year of major changes, so this year I would like to send readers of Looting Matters Christmas Greetings from Suffolk in eastern England.
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Public Art Theft: Dulwich Park
The AFP reported that on Monday night a bronze sculpture titled "Two Forms (Divided Circle)" by Barbara Hepworth was stolen from its plinth in Dulwich Park, London (its remains are pictured at right). A £1,000 reward has been posted for the sculpture, which was insured for £
12��21�ձ��� |�Ķ�ȫ��
Happy Holidays from Art Theft Central
Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to all! Remember that art thefts traditionally peak during the winter holidays, so please take the necessary steps to secure and protect your collections. More on the topic can be founded here, here, and here. Best wishes, Mar
12��25�ձ��� |�Ķ�ȫ��
Oscillating Absurdities: Beirut’s Rabih Mroue responds to a “traumatized society”
Rabih Mroué— Lebanese visual and performance artist, actor, director, and playwright—is performing Looking for a Missing Employee during the second week of next month’s Out There 2012: Global Visionaries festival. In Looking for a Missing Employee, Mroué performs the role o
12��21�ձ��� |�Ķ�ȫ��
lucent: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
lucent: shining.
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brogue: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
brogue: any strong regional accent.
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calvous: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
calvous: lacking all or most of the hair on the head; bald.
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swaddle: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
swaddle: to bind an infant with long, narrow strips of cloth to prevent free movement.
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canticle: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
canticle: a song, poem, or hymn especially of praise.
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Doing vs. Allowing Harm
[Revised entry by Frances Howard-Snyder on December 20, 2011. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html] Is doing harm worse than allowing harm? If not, there should be no moral objection to active euthanasia in circumstances where passive euthanasia is permissible; and t
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