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����ʱ�䣺2012-07-09 05:52:13





The depths of life science in scientific field and micro miniature life world, everyone in thinking and understanding, the scientific god tightness attracted the world scientists to deeper exploration, put the knowledge into micro scientific exploration areas, make the room also appeared d view and pseudo view under the two explorers, interest to dig torsional made many abnormal condition, in the application of electronic microscope can observe this new world of knowledge environment appeared positive and negative two kinds of people, those who steal micro is, life science seeker is the single refers to negotiate apparatus measuring and get knowledge improve the knower also has, quality is the embodiment of the value of life, in this microscopic knowledge stage is a demonstration of good and bad mouth eyelid, these will be written into the history of the features will never also retained to later generations they say, black-box stealing in the world can run, it fled but god meaning of water means god of natural disasters, the thieves are not afraid of try!

In the face of the scientists recognized the standard is the outstanding performance, their ancestors to understanding accumulated-merit superman, spiritual level is innate, these knowledge is not a human can get, the creator in without these discussion unit under the conditions of the pursuit of efforts and work has accumulated, integrated exploration got this new knowledge, this accumulation is to investment time pay can move god and get, is deeper exploration and practical knowledge, and the thief is to use discussion apparatus plagiarism for it people's achievements, in a product to steal colony for cheating, they don't have the depth of knowledge to be a support can make what babar water. Offend such as water sophisticated technology products?

A micro life at the beginning of the advent of tools, the enzyme cut grafting transfer function detector is still in exploring experiment process, thieves can really out babar water to others drink, the thieves are in the people's life when mice as experimental? Lawless behavior had to call inventor asseveration! I keep any time may want to use it shall be investigated for legal responsibility right!

"Along with the gender stem cells oral liquid" is protein life field of amphoteric numerous born mechanism, this kind of multi-function super intelligent micro life stem cells can oral isotonic to replace the traditional infusion method, any persistent ailment don't need with blood type can achieve the purpose of rehabilitation, it is the view of the spiritual characteristics of targeted mechanism, is targeted area), and self numerous replacement cells born intelligent repair, put the rubbish inside body eduction body outside so as to achieve the purpose of the undo function, this kind of intelligence is not to be plagiarism, because it is a spirit life, far above in human intelligence spiritual is not with the thieves with evil designs purdue beings, I shall get stolen newspaper, is to lose money out of the whirlwind. What goes around comes around I have stolen newspaper, I who will have the house of fire disaster, or disease evil, industry will lose money to hit the way! Because he stole the human life gods, the gods can be steal a thief u-right peace get rich? God meaning water; Along with the gender stem cells oral liquid targeted cancer mutant gene, is can instantly destroy the cancer cells of numerous born mechanism, is given to cancerous cells and numerous raw stem cells replace cancerous cells, cancer cells in vitro discharge at the same time eliminate illness, instead is a brand new cell organization, young turn of organs will make patients find twenty years of life.





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