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Dear Mr ......,

Thank you for contacting us, regarding Genetically Modified Foods. Coles works with our suppliers to have our Coles Brand food products made from non-GM ingredients and additives.

Coles also has a strong preference for non-GM based animal feeds, with beef, lamb and dairy cows, predominately pasture fed. The remainder of our suppliers at a minimum have assured us that they actively seek to source non-GM ingredients where possible.

All our Coles brand food products must comply with our GM food policy including the GM requirements specified in standard 1.5.2 of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code). These requirements, include labelling integrity and legibility issues and you can find more information on 'the Code' in the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) website, www.foodstandards.gov.au

We also require that our Coles brand product suppliers conduct their own rigorous measures that include, amongst other aspects, effective documentation, prevention of crosscontamination and a verification testing program. Please note that our control is limited by the history of ingredients and products proceeding and beyond our supplier and store levels. We cannot absolutely, at all times, guarantee that any unintentional cross contamination may have occurred.

However, we can offer some additional confidence, as Coles also conducts GM testing of our Coles brand foods, as part of our routine Coles brand food-testing program and to-date no Genetically Modified material has been detected.

We do hope this information has helped to alleviate your concerns and thank you for taking the time to contact us.


Lucinda Moses

