Introduction of Departments and Institutes

Research Institutes

1. Institute of Comprehensive Development
The institute studies the national S & T development in macro-level and crucial fields, focusing on important and hot strategic issues in economic and social development, with a multi-disciplinary and comprehensive approach. The institute also studies theories, systems, methodologies and measures related to S & T management, S & T development strategies in major countries and regions, and China ’s international S & T strategy and mechanism, in order to provide supports for governmental S & T decision-making and management.

2. Institute of Science and Technology Systems and Management
The study fields of the institute are mainly policies of science, technology and innovation, S & T management and system reform, national innovation system, enterprises innovation management, and S & T-related legal issues. Furthermore, it undertakes research on national S & T program and policy assessment, national S & T valuation and awarding systems, theories and methodologies of public decision-making and policy science.

3. Institute of Foresight and Evaluation
The institute studies the social-economic needs and S & T development trend, carries out the technology foresight activities by the methods such as Delphi survey, Scenario analysis and technology roadmap etc., and then makes the priority setting of critical technologies for policy making, especially for the national S & T plan and the evaluation of high-tech development. It also studies the industrial technology development trend and makes the technology roadmap in some important sectors and the enterprises. In addition, it studies basic sciences development trend and the discipline layout.

4. Institute of Science and Technology Statistics and Analysis
Entrusted by MOST, the institute is responsible for the organization and implementation of detailed S & T-related statistic work and the development of S & T statistics publications required by national S & T authorities. It also studies S & T statistics, S & T indicator-related theories, methodologies and application. It conducts statistic analysis and dynamic assessment of national S & T activities and innovation performance in order to serve the decision-making. It also organizes S & T statistics and indicators throughout the country and relevant international exchange.

5. Institute of Science and Technology Investment
The institute studies fiscal and revenue support systems of S & T innovation and their effectiveness, national S & T budget systems, national S & T asset management systems, and national S & T input performance assessment and management. It also studies financial mechanism for innovation and entrepreneurship-related services, fiscal and financial mechanisms for national important S & T programs, and studies funding and financing mechanisms and policy tools to promote enterprise innovation. The institute also conducts forward-looking theoretical and policy studies on entrepreneurship finance and entrepreneurship investment activities.

6. Institute of Science and Technology for Industrial Development
The institute studies on industrial technology innovation and industrial organization, including strategy for standards and intellectual property, roadmap for industrial technology development, support system for industrial technology innovation, technology transfer and S&T achievements transformation, and S&T secrecy; study on the development of industrial and innovation cluster, including development of cluster on high-tech industry, featured industry and emerging industry; study on industry innovation programming and management, including industrial technology policy, enterprise’s S&T programming and innovation management.

7. Institute of Rural and Regional Development
The institute studies S & T innovation and development strategies for agriculture and rural areas, integrated urban-rural development, agricultural technology transfer and diffusion systems. It also studies critical S & T issues in urbanization process, S & T development strategies and policies for regional economics, S & T resource allocation mechanisms, development of high-tech zones and parks. It also participates or organizes research on development strategies for relevant agencies, regions and organizations, and important construction projects.

8. Institute of Science , Technology and Society
The institute studies S & T-related social development issues, including social science studies on risk and disaster, social environment of innovation, studies on scientific community, education, employment, non-governmental organization, and frontier issues such as innovation culture, science ethics, and S & T and social inequality. The institute also conducts research on national human resource strategies, S & T human resource policies, and science popularization activities. It also conducts assessment on the social impact of social-interfered projects and provides policy recommendations on the development of circular economy, establishment of conservation-oriented society, and sustainable development.

Management departments

1. Department of Administrative Management
CASTED combines its administrative work, human resources, financial management and logistics, incorporating functions into one department, in order to streamline the positions required in CASTED. Tasks in the department include documentation processing, archives management, secretary work, finance, human resources, logistics services, safety and security, and retired employee service.

2. Department of Research Management
As the coordinator and manager of CASTED research activities, the department conducts management on research projects, relevant files and statistics, and the intellectual property. Meanwhile, it manages postgraduates and associations and takes charge of the academic exchanges, including international cooperation and the cooperative base development. Entrusted by MOST, it carries out an additional task on managing the National Soft Science Research Program.

As the manager and operator of CASTED information and research achievements, the department is also in charge of periodicals, computer networks, library and the publicity. It operates academic periodicals such as Forum on Science and Technology in China, China Science and Technology, and the internal document of Research Report.
