
Workshop on Agricultural Engineering and New Agro-processing Technologies for Developing Countries Held in Beijing

April 10 witnessed the launch of the Workshop on Agricultural Engineering and New Agro-processing Technologies for Developing Countries, which was sponsored by the Department of International Cooperation of MOST and organized by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences. 23 experts and scholars from 13 Asian and African countries participated in the Workshop.
During the 20-day training, the sponsor invited well-known Chinese experts and scholars to introduce new technologies and share successful experience in agricultural engineering and agro-processing. The Workshop covered wide-ranging areas like agro-processing technology, key technology and equipment for post-harvest processing of rice, greenhouse engineering, new products and application of combine harvester, food fermentation technology, feed processing technology, as well as livestock and poultry breeding facility. Moreover, trainees visited state key labs of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences and went to Shanghai and Henan for field survey in local enterprises dedicated to agricultural engineering and agro-processing, so as to gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of China’s achievements and development trend in this field.
By providing new platforms for strengthening S&T exchanges and cooperation between China and other developing countries, the Workshop has contributed to consolidating traditional friendship with developing countries.
Officials from the Department of International Cooperation and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences attended the opening ceremony.
