Articles and Books



Publication started in Sept��1985 monthly No��10 2015 Sum 234

Evolution and Tendency of Chinese Science and Technology Policy������������Jin Shibin��5��

Research on Beijing Major Science and Technology Projects Management Innovation������������Yi Tong,Wang Han��10��

Design for the Selection Procedure and Organization Structure of Government��s Support for Generic Technology Research������������Han Yuanjian,Chen Qiang��15��

Research on Interface Management in Industry��University��Research Institute Collaborative Innovation������������Wang Bangjun,Yang Dongtao��22��

The Impact of Relationship Ability of Network Behavior��Take Network Routines as A Moderating Variable������������Xiao Yao,Dang Xinghua,Xie Yongping��28��

On Digital Identity and Protecting Measures of Electronic Public Service in Big Data Era������������Xie Gang,Feng Ying,Li Zhiwen et al����34��

Status Quo,Problems and Countermeasures of Science Communication in China under the Background of Informatization������������Xie Guangling��Zhou Rongting��39��

A Comparative Analysis of the Institutional Entrepreneurship of New Energy Vehicle Business Model Innovation in Different Context������������Xie Qing,Tian Zhilong��46��

Path Evolution of Green Process Innovation of Chinese Manufacturing Industry Based on Niche������������Tian Hongna��Li Xiangmei��53��

System Dynamics for Innovation Network Development of Internet of Things������������Jiao Yuanyuan��Mi Jie��Hu Qin��57��

The Policy Research of Innovative Enterprise Based on the Innovation Chain������������Li Ting,Deng Xuelai,Xu Zhiyun��63��

Realization of the Principal Position of Enterprise Technology Innovation from the Perspective of Collaborative Innovation������������Tian Qing��69��

Study on Knowledge Transfer Process of Chinese Multinationals������������Jia Jingyu,Zhao Zhongxiu��74��

The Breadth of Open Innovation,Regional Environment and Enterprises Innovation Performance������������Sun Xu,Xie Fuji,Chen Hongquan et al����80��

The Collaborative Development Modes of Regional Innovation System and the Role of Government������������Cui Xinjian��Cui Zhixin��86��

RIS Research Development:Perspectives of Relationships among the Inner Bodies and Relationships among Systems������������Bian Yuanchao,Bai Junhong��92��

Measure of Industrial Structure Upgrade of the Capital Economy Circle������������Zhang Yaming,Hu Zeming,Jiang Jing��98��

Accounting Method for Energy Consumption of Public Sectors������������Chai Shigai��104��

Socio��Technical System Transition Theory and Its Application in Energy System Transition������������Lv Tao,Wang Chunling,Wang Fei��109��

Energy Consumption Rebound Effects of Western Region Based on Decomposition of Technological Progress������������Dong Mei��Xu Zhangyong��115��

On Crude Oil Price Volatility and Heterogeneous Effects������������Tang Jianrong��Jia Licong��120��

Sci��Tech Finance:Promote the“Effective Supply”of Government Innovation Policy������������Zhang Ying��126��

The Characters of VC and the Motive of Syndication of VC������������Jin Yonghong��Li Yuanyuan,Luo Dan��130��

The Developments and Trends of Green and Low��Carbon Building Study Based on Scientometric Map������������He Qinghua,Wang Ge��136��

Innovative Talents Networks Embeddedness and Performance Evaluation Index System of Universities Collaborative Innovation Center������������Li Yongzhou��Huang Zhenzhen,Tan Rong et al����142��

Collaborative Innovation Models,Characteristics and Its Enlightenments of the European Union������������Dang Qianna��149��

Disposal Experience of Scientific and Technological Achievements in American National Research Institutions and Enlightenment to China������������Yang Qing,Zhong Shuhua��155��
