Articles and Books



Publication started in Sept��1985 monthly No��1 2016 Sum 237

R&D Efficiency of High Technology Industries in China������Dai Ming,Liu Kexin,Chen Jun��5��

R&D Investment and Knowledge Productivity of China's Industry������Qiu Haibin��11��

On the Homogenization Phenomenon in Scientific Research of China's Colleges and Universities������Li Xiuquan,Wang Hanhui��Song Weiguo��17��

The Mechanism Design and Experience Reference of Taiwan��s R&D Subsidies:A Case Study of SBIR Program������Hu Kai��Cai Hongying��21��

On Classification��Selection and Evaluation of Innovation Policy Instruments������Huang Man ��Zhu Guilong ��Hu Junyan��26��

Development and Evolution of Industrial Technology Innovation Model������Cui Xiaowei��Wu Xinnian��31��

An Analysis of Mapping Knowledge Domains of Business Model Innovation������Zhao Huicun��38��

Study on the Collaborative Innovation of Regional Technology Incubation Networks Based on Polycentric Governance������Li Zhenhua,Feng Xinyu,Wu Wenqing et al��44��

Performance Evaluation of the Collaborative Innovation of Science and Technology Innovation Teams������Huo Yan,Jiang Kaidong,Xu Yiping��51��

Industrial Transformation Strategy for the Manufacturing Sector of China in the Tide ofIndustry 4.0������Zhao Fuquan,Liu Zongwei��58��

Development Trend of China��s Marine Biomedicine Industry������Zheng Li��Cai Dahao��69��

Stakeholder Governance Patterns for Aeronautic Weapon Innovation with the View of Military Intellectual Property������Feng Yuan,Guo Yonghui��77��

From OEM to ODM:The Black Box of Breakthrough Process on Technological Innovation Capability������Yang Guiju��Li Bin��Xia Bing��83��

Organizational Slack��Product Market Competition of Enterprise and the Persistence of Firm Innovation������Li Jian,Li Tingting,Pan Zhen��88��

Driving Factors of the R&D Investment of China��s Aviation Equipment Manufacturing Enterprises������Liu Zhen��93��

Empirical Research on Enterprise Users�� Technology Adoption of Cloud Computing������Shao Mingxing��99��

Measurement of China��s Special Economic Zones�� Industrial Transformation Level and Its Growth Effects������Ji Chao��106��

Upgrading Model and Countermeasures of Regional Electron and Communication Equipment Manufacturing Industry������Song Xiaoming��Zhang Zhijun��112��

Intellectual Property Management��Industrial Upgrading and Green Growth——A Case in Guangdong in the Process of Industrial Transformation and Upgrading������Feng Zhijun��Kang Xin��Chen Wei��118��

Assessment of Biomass Power Potential on Provincial Scale and Analysis on Plan Target Quota������Song Kaihui��Zhou Jingyue,Zhang Peidong et al��124��

The Space Associated Spillover Effects of Chinese Agricultural TFP Growth������He Yaya,Li Gucheng��130��

Measurement and Structure Analysis on CO2 Emissions Embodied in Agriculture Exporting Trade of China������Dai Yuqin��Feng Zhongchao��Li Gucheng��137��

Innovation Characteristics and Demand of the Poverty��Stricken Areas�� Small and Medium��Sized Enterprises—Based on Qinba Continuous Destitute Areas�� Survey Research������Liu Dongmei��Guo Qiang,Wang Weinan��144��

The Practice Logic and Function Orientation of Grass��roots Agricultural Technology Extension—Based on the Practice Analysis of Agricultural Technology Extension in the Central Shaanxi Province������Li Bo��Zuo Ting��Wang Linying��150��

An Empirical Analysis on Contribution Rate of Science and Technology Progress to Economic Growth of Tianjin Animal Husbandry������Chen Qiong��Li Jin��Li Huisheng et al��154��
