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Federal obligations for development, largest agency funders: FY 2006 08Other developmentDepartment of TransportationаNOTES: Agencies reported preliminary obligations for FY 2007 and projected obligations for FY 2008 during FY 2007. Detail may not sum to total due to rounding.Department of Defense advanced  technologyNational Aeronautics and Space  Administration projectedDepartment of Defense major systemsDepartment of Homeland SecurityРSOURCE: National Science Foundation/Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development: FY 2006 08. ╓ O Е) _ccо - ═╔└ \  d№йё╥MbP?_*+ВА% Б┴ГД&р?'р?(ш?)ш?M*HP LaserJet 1200 Series PCL▄LCяАъ odXXLetter    DINU"LJ4ХSMTJHP LaserJet 1200 Series PCLInputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLPaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITOptimizeForPLAINResolutionOption1HalftoneHT_PATSIZE_AUTOEconomodeOption1б"dXXр?р?U} } Т} }   ■└  @  @  └ э└ x└ э└ э└ э└ с└ с└ э└ э└ э└ э└ э└э└э└┴└x└┴@э@  ¤ * ╛ +++¤ !╛!!"╛  ¤  ¤  ¤ !¤ "¤ "¤ "╛ ¤ ╜@ды@`э@азы@╛¤ ¤ ╜а╒ф@рц@р}х@¤  ╜А:╦@╥╦@з╚@¤  ¤ ╜ ъ╢@╣@т▓@¤ '¤ '╜ ╞о@~п@░@¤ ╜ ╚Ь@МЮ@nа@¤ ¤ ╜|С@╕Б@0z@¤  ╜└q@Ёp@аo@¤ ╜╪Л@иП@ М@¤ ) ╛ )))╛#$$$¤ (╛(((╛%%%&╛╛╫4ь╠ 4P********* >┤@<dхя7 ▌$═с┴┐└т\p [BфbЬ=x-X/¤ 8X@Н"╖┌1╚ Р%Arial1а Р% Arial Narrow1а Р% Arial Narrow1а Р% Arial Narrow1┤ Р% Arial Narrow1а Р% Arial Narrow1╚ Р%Arial1╚$Р%Arial"$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\) "$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)%""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)5*2_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_),))_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)=,:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)4+1_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_) д_##,##0 е General_# ж _#_##,##0з _#_#_#_,#,##0 и _#_,#,##0й _#_#_,#,##0к_#_#_#_#_,#,##0л_#_#_#_#_,###0м _#_#_#_##,##0н_#_#_#_#_##,##0о_#_#_#_#_#_#_##,##0п_#_<_#_#_#_#_#_##,##0░ _#_#_##,##0 ▒#,##0.0▓ _#_,_##,##0│ _#_#_,_##,##0 ┤ _##,##0.0╡ _#_##,##0.0рї  $└ рї  Ї└ рї  Ї└ рї  Ї└ рї  Ї└ рї  Ї└ рї  Ї└ рї  Ї└ рї  Ї└ рї  Ї└ рї  Ї└ рї  Ї└ рї  Ї└ рї  Ї└ рї  Ї└ р └ р+ї  °└ р)ї  °└ р,ї  °└ р*ї  °└ рЇ Ї└ рЇ Ї└ р ї  °└ р└ р"└ р└ рx└ рX└ рX└ р\└ рд\└ р▓\└ рx└ рx└ @Арx└ @Ар°└ рx└ рP└ рP└ рX└ рX└ р°└ Арx└ р└ УА УА УА УА УFollowed HyperlinkУ  HyperlinkУА УА Тт8            ААААААААА└└└АААЩЩ Щ3f  ╠╠  ff ААf╠╠╠ А      ААААА ╠ ╠  ╠ ╠  ЩЩ╠  Щ╠╠Щ ууу3f 3╠╠Щ╠ ╠ Щ fffЩЦЦЦ3f3Щf333Щ3Щ3f33Щ333Еj Table 5 ▌$═ @  d№йё╥MbP?_*+ВА% МБ┴ГД&р?'р?(ш?)ш?MъHP LaserJet 1200 Series PCL  ЬLCяАъ odXXLetter  ff ААf╠╠╠ А     DINU"LJ4ХSMTJHP LaserJet 1200 Series PCLInputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLPaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITOptimizeForPLAINResolutionOption1HalftoneHT_PATSIZE_AUTOEconomodeOption1б"dXXр?р?U} } Т} }    ■└  @  @  └ э└ x└ э└ э└ э└ с└ с└ э└ э└ э└ э└ э└э└э└┴└x└┴@э@  Y*QTABLE 5. Federal obligations for development, largest agency funders: FY 2006Ц08╛ +++%!(Millions of current dollars)╛!!"╛   FY 2007 FY 2008!Agency"FY 2006" preliminary" projected╛  All agencies╜@ды@`э@азы@╛$Department of Defense major  systems╜а╒ф@рц@р}х@Other development╜А:╦@╥╦@з╚@' Department of Defense advanced   technology╜ ъ╢@╣@т▓@' 'National Aeronautics and Space  ' Administration╜ ╞о@~п@░@ Department of Energy╜ ╚Ь@МЮ@nа@Department of Homeland  Security╜|С@╕Б@0z@$Department of Transportation╜└q@Ёp@аo@ Other╜╪Л@иП@ М@и)аNOTES: Agencies reported preliminary obligations for FY 2007 and projected obligations for FY 2008 during FY 2007. Detail may not sum to total due to rounding.╛ )))╛#$$$Ш(РSOURCE: National Science Foundation/Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development: FY 2006Ц08.╛(((╛%%%&╛╛╫4Е╠m;>i4(39+6+:<#4D-╝о=x-X/¤ 8X> ┤л" Ё                                ■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0мHP\h А М Шдф Microsoft Excel@А│╘85Z╔@дaъ├@АЗ┤~н[╔■ ╒═╒Ь.УЧ+,∙о0Ф8@ LT \ pф Table 5  Worksheets ■   ■    ■   "#$%&'(■   ¤   +■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Root Entry        └F■   Book              ▓Workbook        щSummaryInformation(    DocumentSummaryInformation8            !