
2013 Meeting of China International S&T Cooperation Bases Held in Taiyuan�� ���ڣ�2014-02-11��������Դ�����������1519��

On November 30, 2013, the Meeting of China International S&T Cooperation Bases (hereinafter referred to as the Bases) was held in Taiyuan. Vice Minister Cao Jianlin attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Director General Jin Xiaoming from the Department of International Cooperation presided over the meeting. Director General He Tiancai from Shanxi Science and Technology Department also attended the meeting and made a speech. There were also participants from the Department of International Cooperation, Torch High Technology Industry Development Center, China Science and Technology Exchange Center, relevant ministries and commissions, local administrative departments and other Bases.
To follow up with the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of CPC and the National Conference on Science and Technology Innovation, Vice Minister Cao analyzed on China’s S&T development, identified opportunities and challenges of China’s international S&T cooperation, and spoke highly of the Bases’ role in carrying out international S&T cooperation. He also proposed several requirements for the Bases: firstly, international S&T cooperation departments and the Bases should encourage enterprises to integrate and utilize international innovation resources, build service platforms for international S&T cooperation, and provide professional services for international cooperation; secondly, we should improve management and integrate resources so as to build the Bases into the major force of China’s international S&T cooperation; thirdly, we should establish assessment mechanisms and issue favorable policies to sustain the development of the Bases, and direct international innovation resources to the Bases; and fourthly, we should strengthen survey and publicity to make the Bases into a renowned brand.
In the end, Director General Jin expressed his appreciation to the achievement of the Bases, pointed out problems in developing and managing the Bases, raised specific requirements to administrative departments and the Bases, and deployed the tasks for the Bases in a period to come.
Representatives from international innovation parks, international joint research centers, international technology transfer centers and demonstration bases of international S&T cooperation, exchanged experience in carrying out International S&T cooperation. A speaker with Heilongjiang Science and Technology Department shared experience and practices in managing the Bases. During the meeting, certificates were granted to the new Bases.

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