Research Report

25th Report in 2010: The Reindustrialization Strategy of the United States and its Influence on China�����ߣ�Zhao Gang���ڣ�2011-03-14�����������2928��

Abstract: Inorderto revive its domestic industries after the economic crisis, the United States relies on “reindustrialization” as an important strategy to rebuild itscompetitiveness. Policies and measures adopted include focusing on emerging industries, encouraging technological innovation, and supporting the development of small and medium businesses. Faced with the challenges brought by the Re-industrialization strategy, China shall strive to play an active part in the emerging strategic industries through improving industrial enterprises’ international competitiveness, advancing manufacturing technologies, increasing input in scientific researches, and greatly promoting technologicaltransformation and innovation.

��һ����24th in 2010: Progress in Domestic Studies on Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program[2011-03-14]
��һ����26th Report in 2010: Role of Innovation in the Construction of Qinghai-Tibet Railway and Related experience[2011-03-14]

