Research Report

72nd Report in 2010: Discussion on New Environment Faced by Indigenous Innovation in China with Reference to ��the Lost Decade�� in Brazil�����ߣ�Li Chunjing and Wu Jiaxi���ڣ�2011-03-23�����������1668��

Abstract:Indigenousinnovation in China faces even more complicated and dynamic international environment with significant changes in international political and economic structure post-crisis. With analysis of experiences from Brazil, in where the “Washington Consensus” in the 1990s’ has reduced its capacity inindigenousinnovation, the article proposes to build a good international environment for theindigenousinnovation policy in China through insisting on the strategy of indigenousinnovation, in depth research of the WTO rules for appropriate use, and multi-faceted diplomatic efforts for science and technology.

��һ����71st Report in 2010: Lessons from Entrepreneurship Policy Evolution in Foreign Countries and Policy Recommendations on Improving the Policy in China[2011-03-23]
��һ����73rd Report in 2010: Several Recommendations on Expediting High-Tech Development in China Post-Crisis[2011-03-23]

