Research Report

87th Report in 2010: Jiangsu��s Experiences and Lessons in Promoting Commercialization of S&T Results through Integrating of Stakeholders�����ߣ�Wang Guanghui���ڣ�2011-03-23�����������1969��

Abstract: In many regions in China, fund shortage is a common problem in commercialization of S&T results. In Jiangsu Province, an effective fund raising system integrating the government, venture capitals, and banks for commercialization of S&T results is established with special fund for the commercialization, mechanism for joining the special fund with venture capital, and another special fund for reducing related risks. Experiences from successful operation of the system are valuable to other places.

��һ����86th Report in 2010: How to be More Effective in Supporting Cooperation among Industries, Universities, and Institutes[2011-03-23]
��һ����88th Report in 2010: History of STI in Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry in China and Recommendations on Its Development[2011-03-24]

