Research Report

89th Report in 2010: Opportunities for Developing Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry in China�����ߣ�Guo Lifeng and Li Zhe���ڣ�2011-03-24�����������2295��

Abstract: Pct patents of Biological technology are highly concentrated of the top 10 countries accounting for 80% of the world and the US accounting for 40%. Time series in 2000 – 2009 shows that the degree of concentration is decreasing. China ranks the 6thin terms of the pct patents and is the only developing country in the top 10. High profit margin of the industry in China will attract continuous inflow of investment. China’s favorable macro policy for the industry will also unlock the industry’s potential. However, China is facing serious challenges in the new round of international competition with its number of applied patents for biological technologies in 10 years less than that of the US in just 1 year. The article recommends establishing development fund for international patents in major bio-pharmaceutical projects for expanding the scope of international patents in the area, promoting high-tech insurance for the industry, and promoting contracting of bio-pharmaceutical R&D and international cooperation among the industry, universities, and institutes.

��һ����88th Report in 2010: History of STI in Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry in China and Recommendations on Its Development[2011-03-24]
��һ����90th Report in 2010: Experience from the US Governmental Support to University �C Industry Cooperation[2011-03-24]

