Research Report

91st Report in 2010: Practices in Financial Cooperation for Local S&T Development and Related Policy Recommendations�����ߣ�Project Team of ��Research on Financing S&T Development���ڣ�2011-03-24�����������1926��

Abstract: Financial cooperation for S&T development plays an important role in promoting commercialization of S&T results and expediting the rapid growth of small and medium S&T businesses. After analysis of explorations and practices of S&T financial cooperation promoted by local S&T authorities, summarization of measures and experiences in the cooperation promoted by local governments, and identification of issues restricting S&T financing, the article proposes policy recommendations on promoting the development of S&T financial cooperation.

��һ����90th Report in 2010: Experience from the US Governmental Support to University �C Industry Cooperation[2011-03-24]
��һ����92nd Report in 2010: Providing Systematic Support to Component R&D Shall Be Regarded as an Important Part in Developing Strategic Emerging Industries[2011-03-24]

