Research Report

94th Report in 2010: Research on Rare Earth Strategy and Industrial Development�����ߣ�The 8th of the Series Reports by Research Group of Strategies for Developing Strategic Emerging Indu���ڣ�2011-03-24�����������1848��

Abstract: Rare earth metals are very important to several strategic emerging industries. Due to the growing demand of rate earth, technological innovations play more and more active role in industrial development. With different institutions and resource endowment, many countries adopted their own strategies. Thus,the rare earth industries indifferent countries shape different industrial organization and achieve different performance. As the largest supplier rare earth metals, China should control the supply and push the industrial innovation.

��һ����93rd Report in 2010: Breakthrough in Promoting Agriculture S&T Innovation and Commercialization of Research Results through Cooperation between the Institute and Counties[2011-03-24]
��һ����95th Report in 2010: Seizing the Windows of Opportunity for Developing Strategic Emerging Industries Based on Indigenous Innovation[2011-03-24]

