Research Report

97th Report in 2010: Think-Tank��s Research on America��s Energy Future and Its Lessons�����ߣ�Zhu Xinghua and Li Zhe���ڣ�2011-03-24�����������1605��

Abstract: The US Department of Energy launched a project in 2007 for supporting a technical report – “America’s Energy Future: Technology and Transformation”, which studied priority areas in energy development, strategic energy technology development, and related policies in the United States as well as evaluated the status, cost, barriers to implementation, and influences of the current technology and series of potential technologies in the next couple of decades. Based on summarization of the report, the article proposes ideas like planning new energy development by stages, establishing development strategies combining renewable energies and energy efficient technologies, and expediting the development of supporting policies and measures.

��һ����96th Report in 2010: Lead Markets and Lessons to be Drawn by Allocation of Industrial Resources in China[2011-03-24]
��һ����98th Report in 2010: International Situation and Trend in Governmental Indirect Input to Enterprise R&D[2011-03-24]

