Research Report

2nd Report in 2011: Innovation on National S&T Plan��s Aid on R&D Activities�����ߣ�Li Xiyi Guo Rong���ڣ�2011-04-06�����������2295��

Abstract: National S&T plan plays vital role in supporting R&D activities. For attracting social capital to support R&D in implementing the 7 thframework plan in EU, joint European Investment Bank (EIB) innovated the supporting way of the financial capital. It transformed part of free funds into Risk repayment funds to bank loans, and developed a risk-sharing financial instrument. This increased the financing capacity of risky R&D program and strengthened the R&D input in EU region. This paper analyzes the funding innovation and operations that EU and EIB take when they implement the EPT, and proposes measures China may take in supporting innovatively R&D activities through National S&T plan.

��һ����1st Report in 2011: Stimulating the Permanent Investment to Minor Science and Technology Enterprises by Tax[2011-04-02]
��һ����3rd Report in 2011: Science and Technology Achievement Industrialization and Government Function---the Example of Beijing Promoting the Industrialization of Nano Materials Green Plate-making[2011-04-07]

