Research Report

17th Report in 2011: Management Experience of Austrian Outstanding Technical Ability Centers Program and Its Revelation.�����ߣ�Zhang Chidong���ڣ�2011-05-16�����������1821��

Abstract: Promoting the cooperation among industries, institutes, and universities toward

technologiesisan important project in building national innovation system. Since 1990s,

Austriangovernment didlots ofexploration in promoting the cooperation among industries,

institutes, and universities. Itenhancedinternational competitiveness ofAustrianindustrial

innovation through the following ways.First, it gotrid of the old ways that supported by S&T

programme. Second, it used innovation organizationto support thecooperation among industries,

institutes, and universities. Third, it got financial aid bothfrom centraland local governments

and linked financial aid with regular assessment. Fourth, it strivedtopromote thesustainable

development of the cooperation among industries, institutes, and universities.Fifth, it created

industrial platform for technology innovation.These experiences afford some revelationfor China

to developits strategic alliance of industrial innovation.

��һ����16th Report in 2011: Suggestion on Encouraging and Guiding Public to Participate National S&T Policies Making[2011-05-10]
��һ����18th Report in 2011: Revelation from Taiwan Experience: Function of Volunteer Organizations in Poverty Relief by Informatization Plan[2011-05-16]