Research Report

18th Report in 2011: Revelation from Taiwan Experience: Function of Volunteer Organizations in Poverty Relief by Informatization Plan�����ߣ�Shi Changhui Zhang Caiming���ڣ�2011-05-16�����������2107��

Abstract: Learning advancedexperienceof volunteer service development from abroad will help China

improveits social development and socialmanagementlevel.Thisarticle introduces the practices

done by Taiwanuniversity studentsvolunteer organizations in poverty relief process.It also

summarizesthe successfulexperience of those activities and proposes some policy suggestions about

thecooperationbetween governmentand volunteer organizations.

��һ����17th Report in 2011: Management Experience of Austrian Outstanding Technical Ability Centers Program and Its Revelation.[2011-05-16]
��һ����19th Report in 2011: what should Children do when they grow up? ���� Parents' Expectation about Children's Future Career and Relevant Influence[2011-05-16]

