Research Report

26th Report in 2011: New ICT Paradigm and China's Strategic Opportunity�����ߣ�Gao Yi���ڣ�2011-06-01��������Դ�����������2087��

Abstract: In 2010 Pujiang Innovative Forum Shanghai, Carlota Perez, a world-renowned evolutionary economist, pointed out that in order to benefit people in developing countries especially in China, it is necessary to understand the features of ICT paradigm. Large-scale production seperate hands from minds while ICT reintegrates them; Large-scale production puts interests on homogeneous consumption while ICT promotes diversity through diversity. As for future opportunity, she believes that environment industry represents the most potential growth to drive innovation in the following several decades. The revolutionary technologies (such as biotechnology, nanotechnology and new materials) will also bring about many opportunities. Against the background of post-crisis era, it is necessary to conduct system and institutional reform so as to benefit the majority of people. The development of the world calls for the improvement of global financial regulation system, in which China plays an unique role.

��һ����25th Report in 2011: Suggestions from American Think-tank about Intelligent Grid Construction[2011-06-01]
��һ����27th Report in 2011: Function of Social Network in Recovery[2011-06-01]

