Research Report

28th Report in 2011: Analysis on Scientific Research Cooperation of China's Scientific Researchers�����ߣ�Zhao Yandong Zhou Chan���ڣ�2011-06-01��������Դ�����������2270��

Abstract: Innovation in modern society is basing on cooperation, as a result, scientific researchers will build a social network through cooperation among other researchers. Toward studying on the structure of this network, we can know more about researchers' cooperation rule to promote cooperation innovation. At present, research about cooperation network is mainly based on "overall net" method. But this cant answer the questions about what cooperation motivation, cooperation inclination and cooperation results are, so it needs "individual center net" method to complement. This article uses the research data from large-scale of investigation and individual-center net method to study cooperation network of China's scientific researchers.

��һ����27th Report in 2011: Function of Social Network in Recovery[2011-06-01]
��һ����29th Report in 2011: Experience Analysis on China's Express Train Innovation Organization[2011-07-04]

