Research Report

134th Report in 2011: On Correct Handling of the Government-market Relation in the Process of Carrying out Major Projects with International Experience�����ߣ�Dong Shuli, Gao Lijie���ڣ�2012-08-14�����������1530��

Abastract: This article agrees that the whole nation system of S&T innovation is a kind of institutional arrangement in the process of promoting the practice of major projects in the new period. The key point lies in how to correctly handle the government-market relation under governmental guidance. The article summarizes the experience and acts of the countries with developed market economies in organizing major projects, and proposed some suggestions for China to organize and implement major projects.

��һ����133rd Report in 2011: Main Differences Between the New and Old Whole Nation System of S&T Innovation[2012-08-14]
��һ����135th Report in 2011: Reflection on the Bankruptcy of Evermore Software[2012-08-21]