Research Report

145th Report in 2011: The First Strategy Leads the Great-leap-forward Development in Jiangxi Province�����ߣ�Research Group of "Research on Scientific Support of the New Leap-over Strategy of Jiangxi Province"���ڣ�2013-02-18�����������1099��

Abstract:Depending on its advantages to choose correctly the New Leap-Over Strategy, and to actively promote the "Six-one" Project and the strategic newly-emergent industries, Jiangxi Province has successfully boosted its economy and made great progress despite the global financial crisis, which serves as a good inspiring example for the other regions to developing the strategic recently emergent industries. The practice also proves that, as long as the under-development regions make best use of their advantages and avoid their weak points, and solve the "short-board" problems like science-technological talents, elements and resources, soft environment, etc., and choose correctly their developing strategy and ideas, there's no doubt that these regions can carry out strategic newly-emergent industries and realizing the great-leap-forward development.

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