Research Report

147th Report in 2011: Innovation Policy Accorded with the Laws of Burgeoning Industries�����ߣ�Research Group of "Research on Scientific Support of the New Leap-over Strategy of Jiangxi Province"���ڣ�2013-02-18�����������1401��

Abstract:This report, according to the research on S&T development and the situation of "Six-one" Project in Jiangxi Province, summarizes, from the angle of policy innovation, the experiences of Jiangxi Province in the policy innovation about input, finance, banking, governmental purchase, etc., during which the province boosts its innovative and high technology development. The report also analyses the laws of burgeoning industries' development, and the problems to which the government, especially the governments of the areas where the innovative and high technology development lags behind, should pay attention while boosting the development of strategic innovative and high technology.

��һ����146th Report in 2011: The Strategic Emerging Industries' Development Promoted by the Innovation of Governmental Management[2013-02-18]
��һ����148th Report in 2011: On Building up the "Freeway" of the Commercialization of the Innovative and High Technology[2013-02-18]