Research Report

148th Report in 2011: On Building up the "Freeway" of the Commercialization of the Innovative and High Technology�����ߣ�Research Group of���ڣ�2013-02-18�����������1182��

Abstract:The commercialization of important innovative and high technology is a major breakthrough of the "Six-one" Project of Jiangxi Province, during the process of which Jiangxi Province has greatly boosted its strategic innovative and high technology by developing a series of system and mechanism innovation, which was guided by priority industries development and has taken the enterprises as the main part of innovative achievement transformation, it has also built up the coordinating-pushing mechanism among the departments, and has structured a integrated chain of industry innovation, which has largely boosted the development of strategic burgeoning industry in Jiangxi Province.

��һ����147th Report in 2011: Innovation Policy Accorded with the Laws of Burgeoning Industries[2013-02-18]
��һ����149th Report in 2011: S&T Innovation Talents: From Net Outflow to Net Flow[2013-02-18]