Research Report

106th Report in 2012: On the Development of S&T Service Industry�����ߣ�Long Kaiyuan, Guo Tiecheng���ڣ�2013-12-06�����������1729��

Abstract: The structure of S&T service industry has changed a lot. Innovative S&T service industry and basic S&T service industry develop rapidly. S&T service industry gradually becomes the strategic industry that promotes the transformation of China's developmental mode. This paper focuses on the main problems existed in current S&T service industry and proposes the four key points for the future development of China's S&T service industry.

��һ����105th Report in 2012: Suggestions on Promoting S&T Achievements Transformation[2013-11-20]
��һ����107th Report in 2012: On the Sustainable Mechanism of Aiding the Poor with Technology[2013-12-06]