Research Report

6th Report in 2013: Many Carriers Jointly Set up Innovation Base to Solve Management Problems�����ߣ�Duan Xiaohua���ڣ�2014-02-11�����������1058��

Abstract: Major national innovation base was jointly set up based on the innovation carriers such as laboratories, engineering centers and etc. As a result, there are some unavoidable constraints in governance structure and governance mechanism, such as governance mode, property relations and operation system. Reference to the reform experience and cross-functional management mode of the state-owned enterprises, this paper gives some suggestions on the development of major national innovation base.

��һ����5th Report in 2013: Several Issues about the Demand-side Innovation Policies[2013-12-26]
��һ����7th Report in 2013: The Third Industrial Revolution and China's Countermeasures[2014-02-11]