Research Report

41st Report in 2013: The Advantage of Scientists' Social Credibility and Its Role in Crisis Management�����ߣ�Zhao Yandong, Yang Qiquan and Ye Pengfei���ڣ�2014-05-08�����������1238��

Abstract: The research found that scientists are one of the occupational groups that have highest social credibility in China. In many aspects, their social credibility has surpassed government officials. After the emergencies, 76.9% of the public said they trusted scientists most, which much higher than government officials(66.1%) and journalists(55.3%). However, Chinese scientists do not participate in public affairs often enough. There is much room to exploit the advantage of their social credibility in emergencies. This paper suggests government to create conditions and encourage scientists to participate in public crisis management.

��һ����40th Report in 2013: The Analysis of the Attraction of S&T Occupation and Its Influencing Factors[2014-05-08]
��һ����42nd Report in 2013: The Trend of Public's Attitude toward S&T Ethics[2014-05-08]