Research Report

43rd Report in 2013: The Influence of New Media on the Image of S&T Professionals�����ߣ�Xue Ping, He Guangxi and Zhang Wenxia���ڣ�2014-05-12�����������1451��

Abstract: The development of new media influences the social life increasingly. It also influences the image of S&T professionals. The research found that TV was still the main channel for the public to acquire S&T information. 58.7% of the public acquired S&T information through TV, although it was lower than in 2007. The new media like Internet grew up quickly. 27.8% acquired S&T information from the Internet, which four times higher than in 2007. Highly educated and young people were more likely to use Internet. However, the new media could exaggerate the negative news. This report suggests to study the rule of the communication of the new media and build a good image of S&T professionals by the new media.

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