Research Report

68th Report in 2013: Revelation from The European Scientific Research Infrastructure�����ߣ�Duan Xiaohua, Liu Feng���ڣ�2014-06-11�����������1155��

Abstract: Funded by European Framework Programme, EU released the European roadmap for research infrastructure. It provides the following enlightenments, firstly, the development of infrastructure roadmap could improve the sharing and management efficiency. Secondly, we should build up a multilevel S&T resource system. Thirdly, the budget should value both construction and operation cost. Lastly, we should cooperate with EU to improve the operation level of China's major S&T infrastructure.

��һ����67th Report in 2013: The Explanation of China's National Innovation Ability Indicator[2014-06-09]
��һ����69th Report in 2013: The New Generation of Information Technology and Biological Medicine Industry[2014-06-12]