Research Report

74th Report in 2013: The Main Problem of Industrialization of S&T Achievements and Countermeasures�����ߣ�Guo Tiecheng, Di Xiaoyan���ڣ�2014-06-18�����������1425��

Abstract: The main problem of China's industrialization of S&T achievements is system mechanism but not transformation rate. Although after the reform of S&T system, the micro mechanism of technology commercialization has been built, the problems of S&T achievements transformation are still very serious in the field of basic research, cutting-edge technology research, strategic technology research and etc.. This paper suggests to deepen the reform of macro management and to build an enterprise-oriented innovation system and technology commercialization system.

��һ����73rd Report in 2013: The Current Situation of Hainan Agricultural Technology Service 110 Programme and Its Enlightenment[2014-06-17]
��һ����75th Report in 2013: Suggestions on the Coordination of Personnel Incentives in Transformation of S&T Achievements and Their Total Wages System[2014-06-19]