Research Report

96th Report in 2013: Restriction of Innovation Ability of Graphite Industry and Countermeasure Suggestions�����ߣ�Duan Xiaohua, Li Zhe���ڣ�2014-07-09�����������1245��

Abstract: Graphite is a highly strategic new material with strong industrial connection. There are many restrictions on the development of China's graphite industry such as innovation subject dislocation, lacking of innovation platforms and unbalanced innovation items deployment. This paper proposes that enterprises should integrate innovation resources, reconstruct industry innovation system and cultivate sustainable innovation teams.

��һ����95th Report in 2013: Take Serious Attention to Graphite[2014-07-08]
��һ����97th Report in 2013: China's Graphite Industry Technology Development Evaluation based on Patent Analysis and Countermeasure Suggestions[2014-07-09]