Research Report

2nd Report in 2014: The Role of S&T in Poverty Alleviation through Ecological Migration in Ningxia�����ߣ�Xu Zhuqing, Liu Dongmei���ڣ�2014-08-18�����������1320��

Abstract: This paper studies the role of S&T in Ningxia poverty alleviation through ecological migration. According to the field survey data, it analyses the situation of ecological migration villages and the development of S&T service station, S&T correspondent, ecological migration training and information service platform. S&T has played an important role in ecological migration in Ningxia. According to its experience, this paper gives several suggestions on the role of S&T in ecological migration.

��һ����1st Report in 2014: Opinions on the Reform of China's S&T Expenditure Management[2014-08-05]
��һ����3rd Report in 2014: How to Use National S&T Report Better?[2014-08-19]