Research Report

14th Report in 2014: Report of High-tech Enterprise Performance Survey in the Second Half of 2013�����ߣ�Research Group of High-tech Enterprise Performance Analysis���ڣ�2014-09-04�����������2032��

Abstract: The performance of high-tech enterprises was better in the second half than in the first half of 2013. The index of raw material, labour price and other cost didn't change much, even a little better, but enterprises were still in a recession. About the sales, domestic demand growed faster than export. Enterprises were very active in fixed asset investment, R&D input, labour demand, S&T research demand and other activities. To deepen the reform of S&T system, enterprises appealed that the reform should be based on innovation. Enterprises suggested government to focus on R&D activities and also pay attention to technology commercialization. Enterprises emphasized that government should support technology diffusion departments such as generic technology platform and R&D design agency. Enterprises also suggested to strengthen the coordination of S&T policies and other policies,etc.

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