Articles and Books

FORUM ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN CHINA��Sum 236���� ���ڣ�2015-12-10�����������1072��


Publication started in Sept��1985 monthly No��12 2015 Sum 236

The Institutional Problems and Countermeasures of National Intangible Assets Concerning Transformation of Scientific and Technical Achievement������Yang Wusong,Zhao Yexin��5��

How Does Company��s Diversification Strategy Affect R&D Input��——Evidences from China��s Manufacturing Listed Companies������Zhang Xinglong��Li Meng��10��

Speciality of Participants and Process of Crowdsourcing Innovation������Pang Jiangang,Liu Zhiying��16��

The Impact of Trade in Value Added on China��s Science,Technology and Innovation������Liu Juanjuan,Zhang Huanzhao,Xu Jiansheng��22��

Does the Interregional Flow of R&D Elements Promote the Improvement of Innovation Efficiency������Bai Junhong,Wang Yue��27��

Spatial Spillover,Industrial Agglomeration Effect And Industrial Green Innovation Efficiency������Wang Hui,Miao Zhuang,Wang Shuqiao��33��

Method and Empirical Investigation of Forecasting Technology Opportunity with Time��Series Patent Data������Li Dongmei, Song Zhihong ��39��

Empirical Study of the Social Network Structure on Incubation Resource Allocative Efficiency...Hu Haiqing,Zhang Yingying,Wang Zhaoqun��45��

Process and“Human��Machine”Interaction Path of the Case��Based Reasoning for Decision��Making of Sudden Incidents...Cheng Conghui,Guo Junhua��51��

Intellectual Property Rights Protection and China��s Exports...Li Zhaohua,Yang Linyan��57��

Co��agglomeration Level of China��s Producer Services and Manufacturing Industry and Its Influence Factors...Ji Yahui,Gan Lijuan��64��

Impact of Bioeconomy on Sustainable Development of Agriculture...Deng Xin��an,Xu Bingru,Yang Duogui��69��

Path Of Environmental Regulation On Firms�� Performance...Hu Yuanlin,Sun Huarong��75��

Environment Regulations and Technological Innovation Performance:the Moderating Effect of Government Support...Cao Yong,Jiang Zhenyu,Sun Helin et al����81��i

Incentive Contract for Enterprise��s Pollution Reduction under the Framework of Dual Asymmetric Information...Du Jianguo,Cui Qiankun,Zhang Jingquan��87��

The Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Regional High��Tech Industry Development Differences in China...Xiao Gang��Du Debin,Dai Qiwen et al����94��

Comparative Research on Technology Creation��Diffusion Network in China——Based on Chinese Provincial 2008—2012 Data of Universities...Liu Meijun,Li Weiping,Wang Yuandi et al����101��

Evaluation on New Urbanization Construction from the Perspective of Ecological Civilization��Based on the Improvement and Application of DPSIR Model...Xiong Yongqing,Yang Pingfang,Bai Yun��108��

Are the Public R&D Subsidies Able to Improve the External Financing of Enterprises?...Li Ailing,Wang Zhenshan ��115��

Analysis and Suggestions on the Pre��tax Deduction Policy of Enterprises' R&D Expenses Based on the Smith Mode...Wang Zaijin��Xu Zhili��Liu Hui et al����120��

Influence of Regional Evolutionary Trend of Chinese Technological Talent Accumulation to Regional Innovation Efficiency...Rui Xueqin,Li Yanan,Niu Chonghuai��126��

Education Experience of Scientific Workforce——A Case Study on the Winners of NSFDYS in CAS...Zhang Songtao,Guan Zhongcheng��132��

Youth Science and Technology Talents Training Chain in Shanghai——For the Investigation and Analysis of“Science and Technology Innovation Center”...Fu Binghai��Xie Fuji��Han Yuqing et al����138��

Time Span of Technological Realization to Social Realization:——Based on the 9th Science and Technology Foresight in Japan...Zhou Juan,Peng Li,Qiao Weiguo��143��

Inspiration of the Development and Features of Research Evaluation System in Australia...Zhao Yong��Zhang Lingge��Han Mingjie et al����149��

Humanities and Social Science Assessment System of the Netherlands...Liu Lanjian,Zhang Wenjing,Du Xiangmin��156��

��һ����FORUM ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN CHINA��Sum 235��[2015-11-10]