23rd Report in 213: The Intellectual Property Rights of S&T Projects Subsidized by the National Finance

日期:2014-03-19 来源:www.lanouli.com


Abstract: Intellectual property policy is playing a more and more important strategic role in the promotion of technological innovation and improvement of the economic competitiveness. The Ministry of Science and Technology and other administrative departments successively have released a series of administrative regulations around the intellectual property management affiliated with science and technology projects funded by the government. The newly revised "The Law of Science and Technology Progress" firstly and clearly transplanted relevant content in "Bayh Dole Act" in the form of legislation. Intellectual property policy have experienced system changes as "state owned—the project undertaker owned", and initially formed the legal regulation system of achievements transformation of the S&T project funded by the government, but some defects and loopholes still exists, so we should further improve the intellectual property policy in high scientific and technological legislation level, the implementation of detailed rule and related supporting system,etc..


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