Cooperation Network
Liaison Office of China OECD STI Cooperation

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), established in 1961, is an intergovernmental cooperation organization comprising 34 major industrialized countries, which organizationally consists of the OECD Council, the Substantive Committees (and their working groups or expert panels) and the OECD Secretariat. The OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP), a permanent committee created in 1972, aims to promote global sharing of best policies and practices and international cooperation in science, technology and innovation and contribute to sustainable economic growth, improved social wellbeing, and enhanced science and technology policy management. OECD’s research outcomes are globally influential and provide basis for policy-making of developed countries. CSTP’s work is carried out by the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI). OECD’s point of contact in China is the Ministry of Commerce, and CSTP’s point of contact in China is the Ministry of Science and Technology, where the function is assumed by the Department of International Cooperation.

With the approval of the State Council, the Ministry of Science and Technology joined CSTP as an observer representing the Chinese government in 2001. Over the recent ten years, China’s science and technology community has been actively involved in relevant activities organized by CSTP, including participating in or co-organizing seminars, carrying out collaborative research, and translating and publishing research reports, and has played an important role in drawing upon OECD innovation policy and promoting STI cooperation with OECD and its member countries.

To further strengthen China-OECD STI cooperation, integrate domestic research force, share international cooperation resources, and facilitate domestic coordination and international liaison, the Liaison Office of China OECD STI Cooperation was set up at CASTED with the approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The office’s main responsibilities include the following:

(I) Day-to-day liaison with CSTP and coordination with Chinese coordinating entities in CSTP working groups (including assisting the Department of International Cooperation of Ministry of Science and Technology in convening annual domestic working group coordination meetings);

(II) Creating information and cooperation platforms (including assisting the Department of International Cooperation of Ministry of Science and Technology in convening annual domestic working group coordination meetings);

(III) Participating in or organizing China-OECD research collaboration projects;

(IV) Attending OECD meetings and co-organizing events with OECD on behalf of Ministry of Science and Technology; and

(V) Undertaking other assignments given by Ministry of Science and Technology.
