CASTED Attended International Academic Seminar on the Resistance and Motivation of Countries in Promoting the Principles of Responsible Research and Innovation in Tomsk, Russia 24

July 24,2017

From June 27 to 29, 2017, the International Academic Seminar on the Resistance and Motivation of Countries in Promoting the Principles of Responsible Research and Innovation was held at the Tomsk Polytechnic University in Russia. At the invitation of the School of Humanities, Social Science and Technologies of the university, Hu Zhijian, President of the Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development, and Zhao Yandong, He Guangxi, and Liu Miao, research fellows of the Institute of Science, Technology and Society, participated in the meeting.

“Responsible Research and Innovation” is a policy concept that has been widely discussed in the community of innovation policy research in recent years. It emphasizes the need to reflect on the social and ethical impact of science and technology development, pay attention to the understanding, accommodation and acceptance of science and technology innovation in the society, and focus on the participation of all social groups in innovation activities at different stages, with the goal of ensuring the sustainability and public acceptance of innovation. This concept has already been applied in the innovation policies of many countries.

At the seminar, more than 20 scholars from China, Russia, Germany, Norway and other countries discussed the resistance and motivation of countries in promoting responsible research and innovation, and in particular, the policy dialogues conducted in various countries on responsible research and innovation and the challenges of responsible research and innovation policies from a global perspective.

The issue of responsible innovation and research ethics first came to the attention of CASTED in 2010. It has also undertaken the work of topic research under the EU’s Seventh Framework programs and the Horizon 2020 project. At the meeting, CASTED researchers Zhao Yandong, He Guangxi, and Liao Miao made presentations on the development history, policy environment and main actors of responsible research and innovation in China, the Chinese public’s attitude towards genetically modified technology and the factors that influence their views, and technology assessment research and practice in China, and had in-depth discussions with their international colleagues on the relevant issues.

During the meeting, the delegation also visited the Science Park of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, as well as the laboratories of the Department of High Technology Physics, Nano Center and other institutions, and learned about the university’s achievements in scientific and technological innovation and policies related to the conversion of scientific and technological achievements.
