Elsevier Delegation Led by Vice President Anders Karlsson Visited CASTED

Elsevier Delegation Led by Vice President Anders Karlsson Visited CASTED

May 8,2016

On April 6, an Elsevier delegation led by Anders Karlsson, Vice President, Global Strategic Networks, Elsevier Inc., paid a visit to CASTED for cooperation. CASTED Vice President Wu Yishan received the delegation and chaired a seminar.

Wu Yishan introduced CASTED’s basic information including its history, mission and organizational structure, and shared insights on issues including China’s sustainable development, in which Anders Karlsson showed interest. Xuan Zhaohui, Deputy Director of CASTED Institute of Science and Technology Statistics and Analysis, introduced the positioning, characteristics and influence of the National Innovation Index Report. Anders Karlsson introduced the brand positioning, development philosophy, scope of business, and products and services of Elsevier Inc. The two sides also had discussions on areas where they can cooperate. Other attendees to the seminar included personnel from the Department of Research Management and the Institute of Science and Technology Statistics and Analysis.
