President Hu Zhijian Met with Tone Fløtten, Executive President of the Norwegian Research Foundation FAFO, Signing Cooperation MOU between the Two Institutions 3
April 25,2018
On April 16, President Hu Zhijian met with the delegation of Norwegian Research Foundation FAFO led by Executive President Tone Fløtten. The two sides signed an MOU on institutional cooperation. Research fellows of the Institute of Science, Technology and Society attended the meeting.
FAFO is an internationally renowned,not-for-profit think tank, which is mainly engaged in the studies of applied social sciences, particularly in the fields of labor and social policy. It has conducted cooperative research in dozens of countries and enjoys high international reputation. FAFO has a cooperation relationship with our institute for more than 20 years. Since the 1990s, with the joint support of the Chinese and Norwegian governments, the two sides have jointly carried out a number of large-scale research projects, providing decision-making support for the Chinese government in the formulation of relevant policies.
To continue and deepen the cooperative relationship between CASTED and FAFO, the two sides signed an MOU on cooperation to draw plan up for promoting and deepening academic exchanges and cooperation on the impact of innovation and technology policies on social development and social relations.
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