President Hu Zhijian Meets Former Vice President of the Hong Kong Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology

On February 21, Professor Yu Wing-yin, former Vice President of the Hong Kong Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology, visited CASTED. Shao Xueqing, Director of the Department of Research Management, hosted the visit. Director Li Zhe and Deputy Director Zhang Jiuqing of the Institute of S&T Systems and Management and research fellows of the Institute of Comprehensive Development participated in the meeting.

Professor Yu Wing-yin offered his views on the latest international situation and China-US and China-Germany STI cooperation, and discussed the feasibility of the topic of “the impact of colonial rule on scientific and technological innovation” from the perspective of the historical evolution of scientific and technological development in developed and developing countries, as well as the inspirations on the development of science and technology in Hong Kong. In addition, Professor Yu also shared his insights on the development of scientific spirit in China, which provided new inspirations for CASTED to further expand international cooperation.

Professor Yu Wing-yin is the former Vice President of the Hong Kong Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology, a guest member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, a founding member and Hong Kong representative of the Alliance of UK Science and Technology Management and a founding director of the The Hong Kong Project Management Exchange Center. Professor Yu is an expert in international science and technology policy and an adviser to developing countries in science and technology policy planning.
